Staff Development and Consultation

Case Study - Lawrence Public Schools

"We saw the value in moving the Safe and Caring Schools model to full school adoption with classroom teachers being trained to implement the program in their classrooms. Over the course of the past five years, we have moved from voluntary implementation to a system-wide adoption of the program with all PK - 8 schools having teachers and counselors trained in the techniques and program components." - School Superintendent

Teacher Coaching

Reduce teacher stress and increase teacher creativity. Retain teaching professionals longer with this staff renewal workshop that brings the warmth back into teamwork and the productivity back into the classroom.

Safe and Caring Schools Workshops

Safe and Caring Schools on-site trainings are offered to implement a comprehensive social, emotional and academic learning approach using the Safe and Caring Schools Program. Please download, fill out and fax the supplied Needs Assessment Form so we can determine how to best serve your needs.

Leadership Overview Workshop

This workshop gives an overview to administrators and district leadership who are interested in the benefits of integrating social, emotional, and academic learning (SEAL), and how the Safe and Caring Schools Program can help them accomplish their school improvement goals.

Train the Trainers Workshop

Topics covered include:

  • Teaching the Safe and Caring Schools Program effectively
  • Philosophy and Mission of Safe and Caring Schools
  • How to infuse SEL into academic subject areas
  • School-wide and District-wide implementation steps
  • Program sustainability


Meet Safe and Caring Schools Author
Katia S. Petersen, Ph.D.


Safe and Caring Schools Workshops, presented by Dr. Katia Petersen, give school and district communities the tools, focus and planning they need to implement our highly effective Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning (SEAL) approach.

Download, fill out and fax our Assessment Form and we will contact you to discuss your school improvement and professional development needs.



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